Application: Airborne Weapon Systems“Smart” munitions rely on increasingly sophisticated microwave communication systems to improve targeting accuracy and quickly react to changing conditions on the battlefield. These mission critica...
The North Central Washington Tech Alliance names PA&E; their 2017 Tech. Savvy Business of the year.
That’s been our sole focus for the last 40+ years and why leading manufacturers rely on PA&E; for the most robust, reliable hermetic connector and custom electronic packaging solutions.
PA&E; provides machining, plating, vacuum brazing, laser welding, and more – all at a single location. Why manage multiple vendors on your next project?
Ceramic Seals vs. Glass Seals in Hermetic ConnectorsPin sealing options are just one of many considerations when designing or specifying hermetic connectors. And while it may seem trivial, material selection here can greatly impact other connector pe...
InnovationsLearn About the Latest Innovations at PA&EKryoflex® Ceramic-to-Metal SealingKryoflex Polycrystalline Ceramic is a proprietary, patented substanceKryoflex Material for Hermetic Ceramic-to-Metal Sealingdeveloped by PA&E as a...
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